Sunday, July 19, 2015

Best TV show quotes

Best TV Show quotes

I watch far too many TV programmes for my own good and often find myself thinking, after a character has said something, how wonderful that quote was and how it has made me feel. Therefore I tried to find some of my favourite quotes from my favourite TV programmes.

Teen Wolf - 

For Teen Wolf I chose a quote about how even though thing may look really bad or really good at a certain time they will eventually go back to neutral. It was said by Dr. Deaton in season 3 episode 24- The Divine move.
 I really like this quote because it reminds me that although I might be having a bad time at that moment, things can't be bad forever and everything will eventually return to the middle ground.
 Even though this also means that when life is really really good it can't be like that forever, we all are more likely to expect things to go back to neutral when we are having a good moment in our lives as we think the good moments won't last as long, than we are with the bad ones. 


I decided to have a look at Merlin next and ended up finding quite a few great quotes. 
I really like this one, which was said by Merlin in season 5 episode 5- The Disir, as it's just such a true statement.
In certain places in the world nature enhances everything and turns parts of the world into such beautiful and amazing places. Which really does make everything 'More than itself.' 

I also really like this quote as it reminds me that everyone makes mistakes and it's ok to do so. I sometimes find myself making a lot of mistakes and always feel reassured when I can related to characters that does it too, and this quote not only reminds me that I can relate but also tells me that making mistakes is human. 

This quote was said by The Great Dragon is season 1 episode 1- The Dragon's call. 
This quote makes me smile as it reminds me that even though we might feel little and insignificant we can achieve so much, and although we may be small we could have a great destiny to fulfill. 


This quote was said by Troy Barnes in season 4 episode 6 and I like this quote a lot because it addresses the fact that everyone is different and we all have different talents and skills and therefore nobody should be compared to another person. The quote tells us that no one is better than anyone else and we should know that. 

This lovely quote was said by Jeff Winger in Season 3 Episode 14- Pillows and blankets.
This one is a great quote because, if people have great friends, then they should be able to relate to it. If you have really good friends then you'd probably want to do anything for them and try to make them happy whenever you can and that's the sign of true friendship. 

Avatar- The Last Airbender - 

This one was said by General Iroh in book 2 part 20 and I think it's completely true as many people let perfectionism take hold and ruin their lives, when actually it's completely overrated. (The power part isn't really relatable.)  

This one was also said by General Iroh in book 2 part 17.
This quote is a great reflecting quote and it really makes you think about your own life and who you are and what you want in your life, because if you don't know those two things or if you've been chasing the wrong goals, then you might be having a difficult time. 

There are some of my best TV show quotes, I hope that you've been able to relate to them as much as I have and will maybe even check out some of these amazing shows if you haven't already. 
Thank-you for reading my post I hope you enjoyed it and the quote pictures which I made myself :) 
See you next time!
                               -The Space Talk (Danni) xx

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